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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Emotional Atyachar Vs

ROFL..seriously i was up to this upon reading a news item and could not avoid scribbling it down..certainly the best intentions are to savor the moment.And no offences MNS, but this blog article again goes for them,though on a contrary note than the one which i wrote couple of blogs back.
This starts with how i mentioned in previous blog about the newspaper providing some rib trickling comic news which more than making me smile make me analyse and think about.But God forbid,not this time.
I just finished with a Ben Afflick comic movie(yeah,it had its comic parts), when i went across a news item in Indiatimes which mentioned the the semi porno flick "Emotional Atyachar"(supposedly its a loyalty test which the genx lovers make their spouse undergo with high tech cameras and seducing babes around) which is being aired on UTV Bindaas channel, getting a phone call from MNS.
Well before i write anything about the news, here's something about the show.The show invites any one who's madly in love and at the same time suspicious about their counterpart, to make them undergo loyalty tests, and here's the crucial part, the other party is unaware of it.Now here's something which leaves me bothered.How am i supposed to control my nerves,taste buds and hunger when i find fresh grapes in my kitchen, no matter i have mangoes which is indeed very sweet.But grapes are sweeter.Eating grapes does not mean being disloyal to mangoes for sure.Am not very sure if the same goes for humans or not, but being disloyal is a part of human nature.Don't know much of history but the surroundings is full of people cheating others, but somehow cheating the opposite sex becomes an issue.Damn it, dogs are loyal.When did humans get this tag..!!! LOYAL...
Well back to the news piece.The MNS called up the EAT(emotional atyachar team) to show their anger on how a contestant or a girl(read bitch) made her boyfriend to undergo a loyalty test, mentioned the word "Bombay" instead of Mumbai in her interview for the show.The MNS got the UTV team air a disclaimer stating their respect for the legal name Mumbai and how they would adhere to the name from now on...again :D
My 1st reaction upon reading the headline was MNS probably found the content of the show deemed unfit for all age groups and wanted them to be careful, but the real content left me aghast and laugh all my way though the blog..God..!! am still smiling...Wanted to quote a line from the article.Really guys don't u wanna miss this..
“It seems like MNS has done emotional atyachar on Emotional Atyachar!’’ said environmentalist Debi Goenka, also a life member of BNHS, which was recently targeted by Sainiks(MNS parent wing).
Well nothing else to say.It was most comic news of the day.Perhaps courtesy these MNS guys, the regular news is getting better than the "Faking News" stuff.Time to give faking news some run for their money, all thanks to MNS.Thank u Raj and team and do keep doing such idiotic things which gives a chance for the readers to laugh our heats out.

1 comment:

UJ said...

rhnx for sharing, it was indeed, rotfl! :D :D :D