I started with this story a couple of months back but few things restrained me from continuing further..just wanted to post it anyways...
Being grief stricken for the past few days after realizing the fact that i have landed myself in the remotest area of the country where the sparse population of the datable girls(girls whom u can ask out for a date) was sparser,her entry in the class some 200 seconds after the bell brought a glint in my eyes.My hopes resurrected itself like a phoenix and the jaw was left ajar partially in disbelief and shock of seeing a girl in my class.
Most of the guys suffer from the "FindaGirl" syndrome, wherein the search engine in its live search 'mode' scans for any female existence in and around him.The syndrome made its obvious appearance in me right from the 1st yr days, there after which i scanned the reservation charts of the coach my ticket was reserved in to any single female soul sitting in the same bus as mine.My potential targets, F20 to F27.
The syndrome affect had also made me scan the attendance register of my section some 7-8 times to ensure if any chances of seeing a girl was there or not.Despite of straining of my ears to trace the every possible crests and troughs, the sound waves created during the roll call, at the end of the 4th day i declared it as futile effort and was 1st among the guys of the class to bring to notice the fact that how doomed our next 4 years would be.
However i was almost contradicted by this latest diva's presence.I was still duobtfull if the heaven right before my eyes would like be associated with the literal hell my section was.I was skeptical enough to ask people around if the new entrant was some support staff or a faculty.Soon my intelligent brain harped on the ideas that she could be silver spoon kid, a entrant from management quota.I threw a smirk at my friends while mentioning the thought the very next second.If she was the one roll number which weighed more in terms of money than us, then the chick was rich,out of reach and bitch too.I negated the thoughts and supported the imbibed feelings in brains neurons who were supporting the fact that there could be several reasons why she could have landed in this section.She took a seat 3 rows ahead of mine.I could not stop seeing her the next few minutes until the lecturer's shriek voice asked us to concentrate.But had even Saddam warned me of launching a biochemical weapon if i did not stop seeing her i would have relented.I darted my eyes to notice that all the guys whom i called as friends were engaged in the same activity and could notice the same glint on every face.Every eye was looking for opportunity to take a bite at the most heartening sight we have had since our inception in the Engineering college.
For a college guy who is testosterone charged and estrogen starved, a new girl opens a horizon of options.The thoughts or say the fantasies start with getting intimately close to the opposite sex, proceeds to dating the women, falling in love and in severe cases even manages to see her as her bride.Making your close friends jealous certainly don't come in these plans,but they surely become primary motives later on.Well,i moved leaps and bounds when day dreaming was concerned, and while my friends still continued with their dreams of dating on, i went ahead with marrying the female.Before i could go further i had an urge to find out which part of India the girl came in from.A month in the college, way deep in South India, a south Indian girl was still a strict no-no.Have no idea how that constraint came in, but the smell of the gajra(flowers with the weirdest of smell woven together) made me go nauseating.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The lifes and times of a human being..!!
There are several parameters based on which a homo sapien or a human being can be classified.But if leading lives are to be considered, an individual by and large can be classified into 3 categories.
i)Those who are phenomenal and intellectual people.Take weel calculated risks and attain success in whatever they do and excel in almost every sphere.
ii)These group of people are the talented lot.Can be influenced by the surroundings and though they do not see success at every inch,they aspire and slog for the same.
iii)These are the most common prototypes, compromising 95% of the humans, who do not take risks,pronounce themselves to be losers,follow the crowd,make plans but never ever execute them(the excuses may vary from hectic schedules to as silly as luck not favouring the brave...lol), crib at any happenings in life, use phrases like "life's bitch and screwing me","life sucks"..make compromises and last but the funniest are avid listeners of linkin park classics like "in the end" and "numb"..
The 3rd category being ruling the roost, seems to deserve a more detailed analysis.And i being the part of this bad wagon, would be more comfortable and sync with detailing about it. :)
This interesting or rather the hapless category are the brain child of the most of the middle class families of the Indian society.An individual right from childhood learns( from his elders and the bollywood to)how severities life poses ahead.The fact that the parents had to make sacrifices to ensure their off springs get the best of education is fed from every nook and corner of the society.They have families in their neighbours whose wards have unexpectedly become a part of 1st or 2nd category(read a product of IIT or IIM or settled in US).Have only aspirations in life, either commit to life sciences(or biology) or surrender to the PCM(physics,chemistry and mathematics) world.To cut it short, be a doctor or an engineer.To make matters worse, they fail to ring the bells of the tops instis for either of the careers.Then comes the scorelines of 2nd grade entrance tests, 3rd grade colleges and finally getting recruited by a 4th grade company.
Interestingly most of the people(read male species) fall in love with some chick in college, who;s rich, out of reach and perhaps bitch too.Every individual of the category are active members of social networking sites like Orkut in college and switch their loyalties to Facebook post college(the same facebook one founded dumb,complex and "bakwaas" in college)..Have an interesting tale about being harassed by boss in office.Have some real pretty chicks in same team or account, though never mutter enough courage to ask them out or talk to them.
Perhaps one of most generic creations of the God which completes the nature's balance.A category with lots of potentials and with a little effort can put in the realms of 1st or 2nd category.
i)Those who are phenomenal and intellectual people.Take weel calculated risks and attain success in whatever they do and excel in almost every sphere.
ii)These group of people are the talented lot.Can be influenced by the surroundings and though they do not see success at every inch,they aspire and slog for the same.
iii)These are the most common prototypes, compromising 95% of the humans, who do not take risks,pronounce themselves to be losers,follow the crowd,make plans but never ever execute them(the excuses may vary from hectic schedules to as silly as luck not favouring the brave...lol), crib at any happenings in life, use phrases like "life's bitch and screwing me","life sucks"..make compromises and last but the funniest are avid listeners of linkin park classics like "in the end" and "numb"..
The 3rd category being ruling the roost, seems to deserve a more detailed analysis.And i being the part of this bad wagon, would be more comfortable and sync with detailing about it. :)
This interesting or rather the hapless category are the brain child of the most of the middle class families of the Indian society.An individual right from childhood learns( from his elders and the bollywood to)how severities life poses ahead.The fact that the parents had to make sacrifices to ensure their off springs get the best of education is fed from every nook and corner of the society.They have families in their neighbours whose wards have unexpectedly become a part of 1st or 2nd category(read a product of IIT or IIM or settled in US).Have only aspirations in life, either commit to life sciences(or biology) or surrender to the PCM(physics,chemistry and mathematics) world.To cut it short, be a doctor or an engineer.To make matters worse, they fail to ring the bells of the tops instis for either of the careers.Then comes the scorelines of 2nd grade entrance tests, 3rd grade colleges and finally getting recruited by a 4th grade company.
Interestingly most of the people(read male species) fall in love with some chick in college, who;s rich, out of reach and perhaps bitch too.Every individual of the category are active members of social networking sites like Orkut in college and switch their loyalties to Facebook post college(the same facebook one founded dumb,complex and "bakwaas" in college)..Have an interesting tale about being harassed by boss in office.Have some real pretty chicks in same team or account, though never mutter enough courage to ask them out or talk to them.
Perhaps one of most generic creations of the God which completes the nature's balance.A category with lots of potentials and with a little effort can put in the realms of 1st or 2nd category.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Emotional Atyachar Vs MNS..lol
ROFL..seriously i was up to this upon reading a news item and could not avoid scribbling it down..certainly the best intentions are to savor the moment.And no offences MNS, but this blog article again goes for them,though on a contrary note than the one which i wrote couple of blogs back.
This starts with how i mentioned in previous blog about the newspaper providing some rib trickling comic news which more than making me smile make me analyse and think about.But God forbid,not this time.
I just finished with a Ben Afflick comic movie(yeah,it had its comic parts), when i went across a news item in Indiatimes which mentioned the the semi porno flick "Emotional Atyachar"(supposedly its a loyalty test which the genx lovers make their spouse undergo with high tech cameras and seducing babes around) which is being aired on UTV Bindaas channel, getting a phone call from MNS.
Well before i write anything about the news, here's something about the show.The show invites any one who's madly in love and at the same time suspicious about their counterpart, to make them undergo loyalty tests, and here's the crucial part, the other party is unaware of it.Now here's something which leaves me bothered.How am i supposed to control my nerves,taste buds and hunger when i find fresh grapes in my kitchen, no matter i have mangoes which is indeed very sweet.But grapes are sweeter.Eating grapes does not mean being disloyal to mangoes for sure.Am not very sure if the same goes for humans or not, but being disloyal is a part of human nature.Don't know much of history but the surroundings is full of people cheating others, but somehow cheating the opposite sex becomes an issue.Damn it, dogs are loyal.When did humans get this tag..!!! LOYAL...
Well back to the news piece.The MNS called up the EAT(emotional atyachar team) to show their anger on how a contestant or a girl(read bitch) made her boyfriend to undergo a loyalty test, mentioned the word "Bombay" instead of Mumbai in her interview for the show.The MNS got the UTV team air a disclaimer stating their respect for the legal name Mumbai and how they would adhere to the name from now on...again ROFL..lol..:D :D
My 1st reaction upon reading the headline was MNS probably found the content of the show deemed unfit for all age groups and wanted them to be careful, but the real content left me aghast and laugh all my way though the blog..God..!! am still smiling...Wanted to quote a line from the article.Really guys don't u wanna miss this..
“It seems like MNS has done emotional atyachar on Emotional Atyachar!’’ said environmentalist Debi Goenka, also a life member of BNHS, which was recently targeted by Sainiks(MNS parent wing).
Well nothing else to say.It was most comic news of the day.Perhaps courtesy these MNS guys, the regular news is getting better than the "Faking News" stuff.Time to give faking news some run for their money, all thanks to MNS.Thank u Raj and team and do keep doing such idiotic things which gives a chance for the readers to laugh our heats out.
This starts with how i mentioned in previous blog about the newspaper providing some rib trickling comic news which more than making me smile make me analyse and think about.But God forbid,not this time.
I just finished with a Ben Afflick comic movie(yeah,it had its comic parts), when i went across a news item in Indiatimes which mentioned the the semi porno flick "Emotional Atyachar"(supposedly its a loyalty test which the genx lovers make their spouse undergo with high tech cameras and seducing babes around) which is being aired on UTV Bindaas channel, getting a phone call from MNS.
Well before i write anything about the news, here's something about the show.The show invites any one who's madly in love and at the same time suspicious about their counterpart, to make them undergo loyalty tests, and here's the crucial part, the other party is unaware of it.Now here's something which leaves me bothered.How am i supposed to control my nerves,taste buds and hunger when i find fresh grapes in my kitchen, no matter i have mangoes which is indeed very sweet.But grapes are sweeter.Eating grapes does not mean being disloyal to mangoes for sure.Am not very sure if the same goes for humans or not, but being disloyal is a part of human nature.Don't know much of history but the surroundings is full of people cheating others, but somehow cheating the opposite sex becomes an issue.Damn it, dogs are loyal.When did humans get this tag..!!! LOYAL...
Well back to the news piece.The MNS called up the EAT(emotional atyachar team) to show their anger on how a contestant or a girl(read bitch) made her boyfriend to undergo a loyalty test, mentioned the word "Bombay" instead of Mumbai in her interview for the show.The MNS got the UTV team air a disclaimer stating their respect for the legal name Mumbai and how they would adhere to the name from now on...again ROFL..lol..:D :D
My 1st reaction upon reading the headline was MNS probably found the content of the show deemed unfit for all age groups and wanted them to be careful, but the real content left me aghast and laugh all my way though the blog..God..!! am still smiling...Wanted to quote a line from the article.Really guys don't u wanna miss this..
“It seems like MNS has done emotional atyachar on Emotional Atyachar!’’ said environmentalist Debi Goenka, also a life member of BNHS, which was recently targeted by Sainiks(MNS parent wing).
Well nothing else to say.It was most comic news of the day.Perhaps courtesy these MNS guys, the regular news is getting better than the "Faking News" stuff.Time to give faking news some run for their money, all thanks to MNS.Thank u Raj and team and do keep doing such idiotic things which gives a chance for the readers to laugh our heats out.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The one night stand..!!
A quarter past an year and it finally happened.No, i haven't been longing for it but being in an IT industry for this period and in a cosmopolitan culture even i succumbed to the revered.It was more of a demand of the hour.I could not stop myself
from helping out of it.Perhaps 3 fags did the job and i broke the jinx.Finally, i had a one night(or night long) stand at my office in my 6X6 cubicle.
Despite of the fact that i studied in an engineering college, but having a night out was something out of my book."The night's for sleep",i still believe the phrase and strictly adhere to.However, the strange working culture makes me go a bit
flexible about it.Semester exams at college never appeared a reason good enough to sacrifice ur night sleep for it, no matter u r unprepared.Neither did the placement interviews did it.The college parties lasted not more than a couple of hours after midnight after which an individual was either too exhausted with the nuances done or too high on alcohol.Both of these meant, end of the consciousness and crashing onto the bed.The farthest i even went in college was 4 o' clock in night, the reason being finishing off a novel which i had to return back to its owner the very next day.What foll wed the next day was a mere disaster.I woke up the next morning with 104 degrees of fever and it almost screwed up my end sem exams.
The 1st time ever, when i tried being awake was not by choice but due to lack of options.I had a wait listed ticket in sleeper class of train.Being a bachelor, i was very sure of getting a birth to sleep, if i flashed a Rs 50 note to the TTE.Though a Rs 50 bribe for a ticket worth Rs 150 sounded expensive, but the night's sleep was something for which i could have parted off the amount.I still remember the days when a mere 20 bucks meant a seat assurance even in lnog distance journeys.Guess even the bribe rates were floating and changed with the growing inflation and pay hikes.However as soon as i boarded the train, i realized how different it was to travel in train in south compared to that of north india.Contrary to southern part where people only with valid sleeper tickets embarked the coaches,in upper north the TTE showed his due generosity by accommodating every inch of the coach to people asking for it, though he demands generosity at the part of people too.A jam packed train left me no other option than sitting on the floor, among the localites besides the coach exit.A sitting posture never allows me to doze leave sleeping.It was rejoicing moment for me the next morning, when i felt having conquered the night.
Exactly a month later, my sister's grand wedding left me awake across the night.A wedding in north india means lavish sets, girls and women flashing their most expensive of jewelleries, relatives and in-laws complaining about every other arrangement made, the men asking everyone if they had the dinner of not.And finally the bride's brother gets to become the scape goat.Right from drinking water for the groom's sister to catering needs of the other fellow baratis, he has to do all.And he also gets to be bullied by other in-laws and becomes the matter for others to crack joke about.Despite of all its more of fun when the entire family assembles for the gala event.The extravaganza left with no other choice than staying awake through it.
The night at the office was different experience all through.I misjudged my work for the day and took it casually.It was only after post lunch, my colleague helped me trace the difficulty level of the work,It meant a deep analysis, a formal approach and a fine execution.It all meant spending another 9-10 hours and office and i expected to leave not before 12 in night.Even that sounded good enough as i could still spend 8-9 hours at bed considering the fact that it was a friday night.However, as it happens, a series of events spanning in the next few hours left me with no other choice than spending the night in my cubicle.The last person to leave the ODC started out at 11.00 pm giving me "Dont u have a home" and "oh my God, working so late .." look simultaneously.Confused with which was the correct predicament of the look, i preferred concentrating on my screen instead.The security staff came some 30 minutes later and took my signatures to prove that i stayed back late in office.For me staying late in office was for loosers, who failed to do the work in the stipulated time.I seemed to be in that shoe at this very instance.Two fags and a couple of hours later, i seemed to be satisfied with the work and could have left.But the sheer excitement of spending the 1st night at office and seeing the dawn after a very long time made me work towards betterment in the work , a step up than satisfaction.I left office at 4 o' clock in the morning.It was still dark outside and my eagerness to see the dawn had almost exhausted out.More than the dawn, i wanted to see my bad and crash upon it.A journey from my workplace to my abode, was 1.5 km and 25 minutes of walking distance.Hyderabad is a safe place to live in, and i could feel that walking along the road in the wee hours.The traffic though less than normal was still there and the security personnel were pretty awake.It was my walk through the final stretch that sun broke across the barriers and emerged in its red avatar.It was amazing how the nature's fiercest forms came daily even in the hardest of time with the same potential ever.The cold breeze almost went across my soul and i felt fresh and divine, making the night despite of all hardships one of my pleasant nights spent ever.
from helping out of it.Perhaps 3 fags did the job and i broke the jinx.Finally, i had a one night(or night long) stand at my office in my 6X6 cubicle.
Despite of the fact that i studied in an engineering college, but having a night out was something out of my book."The night's for sleep",i still believe the phrase and strictly adhere to.However, the strange working culture makes me go a bit
flexible about it.Semester exams at college never appeared a reason good enough to sacrifice ur night sleep for it, no matter u r unprepared.Neither did the placement interviews did it.The college parties lasted not more than a couple of hours after midnight after which an individual was either too exhausted with the nuances done or too high on alcohol.Both of these meant, end of the consciousness and crashing onto the bed.The farthest i even went in college was 4 o' clock in night, the reason being finishing off a novel which i had to return back to its owner the very next day.What foll wed the next day was a mere disaster.I woke up the next morning with 104 degrees of fever and it almost screwed up my end sem exams.
The 1st time ever, when i tried being awake was not by choice but due to lack of options.I had a wait listed ticket in sleeper class of train.Being a bachelor, i was very sure of getting a birth to sleep, if i flashed a Rs 50 note to the TTE.Though a Rs 50 bribe for a ticket worth Rs 150 sounded expensive, but the night's sleep was something for which i could have parted off the amount.I still remember the days when a mere 20 bucks meant a seat assurance even in lnog distance journeys.Guess even the bribe rates were floating and changed with the growing inflation and pay hikes.However as soon as i boarded the train, i realized how different it was to travel in train in south compared to that of north india.Contrary to southern part where people only with valid sleeper tickets embarked the coaches,in upper north the TTE showed his due generosity by accommodating every inch of the coach to people asking for it, though he demands generosity at the part of people too.A jam packed train left me no other option than sitting on the floor, among the localites besides the coach exit.A sitting posture never allows me to doze leave sleeping.It was rejoicing moment for me the next morning, when i felt having conquered the night.
Exactly a month later, my sister's grand wedding left me awake across the night.A wedding in north india means lavish sets, girls and women flashing their most expensive of jewelleries, relatives and in-laws complaining about every other arrangement made, the men asking everyone if they had the dinner of not.And finally the bride's brother gets to become the scape goat.Right from drinking water for the groom's sister to catering needs of the other fellow baratis, he has to do all.And he also gets to be bullied by other in-laws and becomes the matter for others to crack joke about.Despite of all its more of fun when the entire family assembles for the gala event.The extravaganza left with no other choice than staying awake through it.
The night at the office was different experience all through.I misjudged my work for the day and took it casually.It was only after post lunch, my colleague helped me trace the difficulty level of the work,It meant a deep analysis, a formal approach and a fine execution.It all meant spending another 9-10 hours and office and i expected to leave not before 12 in night.Even that sounded good enough as i could still spend 8-9 hours at bed considering the fact that it was a friday night.However, as it happens, a series of events spanning in the next few hours left me with no other choice than spending the night in my cubicle.The last person to leave the ODC started out at 11.00 pm giving me "Dont u have a home" and "oh my God, working so late .." look simultaneously.Confused with which was the correct predicament of the look, i preferred concentrating on my screen instead.The security staff came some 30 minutes later and took my signatures to prove that i stayed back late in office.For me staying late in office was for loosers, who failed to do the work in the stipulated time.I seemed to be in that shoe at this very instance.Two fags and a couple of hours later, i seemed to be satisfied with the work and could have left.But the sheer excitement of spending the 1st night at office and seeing the dawn after a very long time made me work towards betterment in the work , a step up than satisfaction.I left office at 4 o' clock in the morning.It was still dark outside and my eagerness to see the dawn had almost exhausted out.More than the dawn, i wanted to see my bad and crash upon it.A journey from my workplace to my abode, was 1.5 km and 25 minutes of walking distance.Hyderabad is a safe place to live in, and i could feel that walking along the road in the wee hours.The traffic though less than normal was still there and the security personnel were pretty awake.It was my walk through the final stretch that sun broke across the barriers and emerged in its red avatar.It was amazing how the nature's fiercest forms came daily even in the hardest of time with the same potential ever.The cold breeze almost went across my soul and i felt fresh and divine, making the night despite of all hardships one of my pleasant nights spent ever.
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