Thursday, December 24, 2009
Moview review "3 Idiots"
Despite of all these advertises,i braved myself to go for the premier show(9.15 pm) of "3 idiots" in an already riots hits city.The movie because of its 1st run formalities made a late start of some 15-20 minutes.The movie lasted for slightly more than 3 hours and i made my way back to comfort zone(my house) only by 1.10 am.Having been sleep deprived, hunger stricken and fed with a hindi movie, i decided not to crash on my bed but rather write a review for the movie.There could be possibly 2 reasons i would dare so..The movie irritated the hell out of me or the movie was one which was never made before.But with the perfect Amir playing the lead of 'baba ranchardas',it was ensured the movie get the later future.
The movie was hilariously hilarious.No doubt a laughter riot.Right from the 1st scene where Madhavan enacts a heart attack to get the flight landed in emergency to the three actors lovingly kicking each other in the end sequence, the audience had the share of laughter.There were a few scenes where i laughed my heart out and wanted the scene to get over soon as i feared a laughter death.The movie was concrete(except for a dramatic 'bachha' delivery sequence).The movie did pass a Strong message.Almost every software engineer sitting there had a grim face when choices and listening to heart was mentioned in the movie.
As rumoured, the film was loosely based on 5 point someone.The scene where Sharman attempts a suicide, to barging in the Proff. or tormentor's cabin for question papers, the movie had it all.
Beautifully shot in Indian scenic excellence,the movie made me glued to the screen every second.My verdict, a must watch for people of every age, a repeat watch for me.After all once in ages one gets to watch a new genre, one which is incomparable and unmatchable to others.Flock in the theatre near you and do chant in the name of baba ranchardas.."all iz well".
As a song says ""Give me some sunshine..give me some rain...give me another chance...i wanna grow once again..!!!""..
Friday, December 18, 2009
Often misled by fact that every individual is different and comprises of different proportions of the essence of humanity, people do tend to hate each other.A country hating other one is primarily the most common one and is a feeling which is mostly cultivated and propagated by the virtue of the leaders they mostly look upon or follow.
My country INDIA is an weird example how derogatory humanism and being an human be.No matter how sacred life a person has led,there are people who a mere mention of his name(mostly the surname),his native place,complexion and accent tend to make a pre-conceived notion.And if you are an immigrant and represent from an area which is economically different or speak a different language,the notion is mostly negative one.
I have travelled across the length and breadth of the country and find is really amazing about how stupid my country men's geography is.My state which was carved out of a bigger state some ages back is still unknown to most of the people.And by the people i mean ones who hold bachelor's degree and live in a cosmopolitan culture.No matter the country's cricket team caption belongs to my state,still people seem to be unaware of its mere existence.No, am not hurt if people who represent the top 10% of highly educated ones have a poor geography,It's just that my individuality seems to get a whip.Apart from mentioning the name of my state,i have to give references too.
Long back when the state was created, it made no difference to us.My city is one of the most developed ones in the state and these developments do not even bother the people living in there as they are more concerned about the Steel Plant and its production.I was in class 10th when the partition happened.I don't remember anything special happening except watching the live broadcast of the swearing in ceremony on the national television for the new state.
9 years down the lane, when i have migrated out of the city to pursue my career i notice no changes when i travel back to my place once in 6-8 months.Except the vehicle number plates,(changed from BR to JH) and names of the state at all govt. installations(seems like someone has pressed Ctrl+F and used replace tab to change all Bihar texts to that of Jharkhand :))Oh,i forgot that some of the changes which took was L.N.Mittal ,the steel baron finally opting to move out of the state as he ran out of his patience to get the land which was promised to him some 5-6 years back.Even Bhushan steel made a U turn after its engineers were paraded around a village which charcoal painted faces.
The point which still remains is that the poor remains poor and the rich ones continue to be same.The only people to have benefited are ones of the likes of Madhu Koda who accumulated money to a tune Rs 1500 crores in his short stint as the CM of the state.Wow, this is what the politicians term as development,What they mean is their development ,not the state's.And people (both illiterate and educated illiterate) fail to understand the fact.
Am an immigrant in the state now which faces a similar situation and the common people is facing the brunt of a few people(politicians) vested interests.Am not pretty sure but 5-6 down the year when i visit my same underdeveloped state and tell people that i work in Telangana, am sure people will give a similar expression which i get here when i mention that am from Jharkhand.
Am not a preacher,neither a intellectual and nor a patriot.I deal in facts and statistics.I would be happiest person on the world if the newly formed state follow the path of development,but we all know what the truth is,the bitter truth.Somehow people know about the obvious future but are trying to evade it and making the future for themselves and their coming generations a pale one.Well..!! we are all adult and have a right to decide...!! and this is how we indian's decide..!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Being Outsourced..!!
and fuelling these thoughts was a lecture at TED india(which was held recently in Mysore,India) by the speaker Hans Rosling, medical researcher and data wizard,who speculated that the India economy if continued at the fashion it is growing now would surpass the economy of US by the year 2044.A sudden gush of adrenaline eh..!!..well that may be pretty true.We are on the way and may reach there soon.But the question is the country which has been known as the land of poor and impoverished,corrupt people would ever be able to handle the fact.And how would the western powers react after being dethroned from something,which they held for some centuries to a country of snake charmers?.Well the questions persists..
There are two perspective about Outsourcing.It depends on your frame of reference.The first view(or belief) has been described above and it generally a common view of the economists,laymen,prospective students of college(final year) who are desperately looking in for a job and for their parents who give this view points while talking to their kins.'No matter my son did not make it to IIT,he's landed up in a decent job and living a life of luxury',a statement which every IT professionals mum makes when quizzed by relatives and other Samaritans of the society.The word IT in the current context is synonymous with money,latest gadgets,babes
and more money.Probably, its the life every fun loving guy dreams of,a work which challenges his co called 'potential,talents and pays him accordingly'.Arguably,the best domain to hone your skills and prove what you are by your immense hard work.
But the reality is somewhat fuzzy and deviates a lot from the theoretical(or the 1st view) concept.I have been the part of the industry for more than a year .I still remember the pre-placement talks conducted by the company am working for now.The motivational speeches,intriguing round of interview making sure i was really buying their deals and offers,is still afresh in my memoirs.Though the company made me wait for a period of 8 months before making a call,the 23 days of training was indeed the best which i have seen in the company till now.The power-packed sessions about moulding yourself for a corporate career,etiquette's,ethics had set a bench mark deep within me.The fire which started with a fierce spark seems to have lost its momentum and is petty well on the path of being relinquished.My dreams and aspirations of making it big someday have become
Unlike other associates(this is how we refer our colleagues),i made it to a project without spending much time on bench.Its been almost an year but the duration only made me estranged towards the industry.Rather than wishful thoughts;hostility,betrayal and uncompassionate feelings have infested my mind.The only positive thing the industry gave me an inspiration to write.Most of the days my 25-30 minutes walk back to my home from office is mixed with planning of vengeance from my supervisors and how to get better of them.Perhaps, the grossly paid executives find it easier to finish off their newspaper and pass on the stack of work to
the timid juniors who in order to show their pro activeness(foolishness) take up whatever comes their way.Ever since i got in a project in the revered company my thoughts have been vacillating between many alternate career choices.My ambitions ranged from Civil Services career to Management to entrepreneurship and finally to writing.I never stuck up to a future
plan for more than 2 months.However, one only thing remained common in the entire duration; my utter frustration and desperation to flee the company.I thought it was just my company which made me suffer but upon hearing a similar tale from a fiend working on
other software MNC,i realised how generic the issue was.Untouched my increments and promotions, people seem to be somehow plagued for doomsday.There's lot of discontent and aggression among the people working in IT sector,but they hardly make it appear.Any
incident (axing of employees) ever happens,people thank that it was not them and continue with their monotonous routine job.
I was surprised or rather startled to discover that i was being billed for some Rs 17000/- per day out of which just 600-700 bucks make it to my monthly payslip.This explains how billion dollar company comes in shape and how QoQ(quarter to quarter) profit comes by.The company calls its employees its assets but rename them as liabilities in troubled times.Is this what is a corporate ethics ?.I have had my share of woes and continue to suffer without any relief.The entire process it highly flawed and small issues are blown out of proportions as it is cascaded right from CEO to timid software engineers.Ya it creates a widespread employment and
generates revenues,but this trend does not seem to be far from where we brace ourselves to slavery again.Is a developed economy everything ? doesn't an individuals freedom,his pleasures matter ?.I know there's no point sitting back and escalating the issues as it comes back to you as a boomerang.Rather i have been making efforts to make my out of the menace, and bring a change to my already tormented life.A change for the good..!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The writeup by the former IIM-B Director,Mr.N.S.Ramaswamy supporting and giving shape to the Government's proposed ,premeditated and unconventional step of increasing the seats in institutes of higher education stunned me.It ran a chill through my spine as i belong to a deemed university which already has an annual intake of more than 1000 students.Going by the quality of faculty position,i wonder what a further increased intake would lead to.
I am currently pursuing my B.Tech. from a deemed university in Tamil Nadu which offers a Bachelor's In Engg. degree to more than 1000 students every year.The intake is mixed(70% through the normalized merit system while the rest through the AIEEE exams).A deemed university is supposed to maintain a certain teacher is to student ratio.Thus for maintaining this proposed student to teacher ratio and thereby retaining the deemed university status, these private self aided colleges go for degraded quality of teachers who could be paid less.It leads to a severe decline of the quality of education given to the students.Even the 3rd year students(pre-final year) are handled by lectures with no experience at all.Fresh M.Tech students are recruited at low salaries for filling the post of lecturers.And frankly speaking this student to teacher ratio clause implemented By the UGC for Pvt. colleges do not help any cause.
According to Mr.Ramaswamy the institutes work for 180-200 days a year.Quite true sir.But the scenario in private colleges is such that even after a rigorous schedule for the students , the syllabus is rarely completed on times or sometimes is forcibly made to complete.The private colleges acquire a heavy infrastructure ( courtesy the money they shell out from the students) and this full fledged and ultra modern and advanced infrastructure serves as a compelling factor for new students.If the syllabus of these colleges are looked into ,one would be surprised to see that each and every aspect is duly covered and infact directly taken from that of IIT's.But the implementation of these syllabus is a totally different matter and there seems to be a lack of concern by the governing bodies for better and effective implementation of these rules.
Recently the chaos which swept the SIST and SRM deemed varsities was the outcome of over intake of students every year.Their increased intake violated the AICTE norms and this led to the ruling of AICTE against these universities.The result were catastrophic with widespread violence and rioting by the students.
Its quite true that certain corporates and philanthropists are interested in Higher Educational System(HES) but this may only lead to these institutes becoming a mere business houses.
I agree with the fact that Liberalization of the economy has benefited the middle class who now has enough money to be paid to the pvt. institutions.But it should be kept in mind that this is a hard earned money of the parents who sometimes mortgage their property for fulfilling their childrens dreams.But their dreams and pains suffered by the parents are hardly paid any heed by the concerned authorities.Its this liberalization and increased capacity of people which has been encouraging the management quotas and other back door seats( read it as seats only for the rich ).These pvt.institutes are no more temples of education("vidya ka mandir" as we used to refer them earlier) but have become mere business houses which knows only how to lure students in their trap and earn huge profits.They are totally devoid of the sense of imparting education as the prime necessity.
Its a hardcore fact that every penny spent on the student is extracted by the student's pocket itself.It would be surprising to to know that almost Rs. 80/- lecture is spent on an average by a B.tech. student.What you get in return is a poor and degraded quality of education.In addition to these fees extra fees such as development,student welfare fees makes the matters worse.
The concluding paragraph by Mr.Ramaswamy made be bite my nails where he said that freeing HES from govt. control and pvt. sector with concessions and incentives may one of the hopes.What we saw in SIST and SRM deemed varsities was the only result of such unwarranted freedom by AICTE.Further autonomy may lead to its misuse and gross violation of norms.
Hence the norms should be made more stringent and implemented more strictly.And it should be the duty of both the Central ans the State government to see that the rules are seriously followed.
Finally its my plea to the Govt. that increasing the seats is not a solution of helping the BCs.It would further lead to deterioration of the quality of education and bring in more candidates in the race for employment thereby increase the problem of joblessness which is quite prevalent in india.With a overall population of 1200 engg. colleges in India , increased intake would mean a two fold rise in engineers.And its a well known fact that its that quality not the quantity which matter.
So its my question to the Govt.,Mr.Ramaswamy and all the philanthropists who have been coming with their own solutions for this reservation menace is----
"Where lies your stand in the sand.......????"
at that time in 2nd year,B.Tech.
If i pulled it off...!!
There are times when u act like a weirdo and go on to the extent of making weird promises to urself which u later find as insane or relatively pretty funny.Well..!! these times come along in my life quite often.And i end up making promises to myself,the almighty god to ensure or propagate a belief that i might be bad earlier on but hereon i will be good,so do me good.
Contrary to other kids going school,mine was no fun and i cribbed all along my school days.My early morning prayer(which we were bound to do) was mainly intended to plee gods of every particular religion present to spare me off the evil acts that my teachers did indulge n(i.e. a note in diary,asking to bring parents to school).However, these were what we call an act of childishness,No matter how much i have grown,both physically and mentally these acts form a notional part of me and reminds me of my life,the passe life.
However as i grew and started to scribble my thoughts,initially on paper and thereafter on the digitised version,every promise of mine to self, intimated me to scribble it down if i pulled it off.Right from my phases at college when i went through a real low,to a long wait for the job and off late my dad's accident,i made a mind to write about it if it went the right way i.e. the way i wanted them to go.
People have strange ways of taking things in life and taking up life.This is the way i do.I feel my mind at ease,and comfortable when am at the tryst of words,like never before.Yeah, i agree life has ups and down and i did have seen various ups and few lows,but rather than sharing my piece of resilient mind, i prefer writing it down.It gives me a chance to come back later on look back where i went wrong or was proven wrong.For me,this is how it goes and this is how it has been..!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Unity in diversity....!! or is it the other way round..??
Unlike the majority of children in my country, i have had the affordability to study in a posh English medium school right from my nursery days.Despite of the mediocre earnings,my parents made sure that we siblings got the best of education.Way back when i was in primary school,a lesson in social sciences which dealt about the geography of country is still afresh in my memoirs.The phrase "Unity in diversity" was the underlying message of the chapter and concluded by conveying how united our country was despite of the differences which exists every 100m distance in the country.Contrary to what i read, i feel outraged and cheated for being imparted a lesson about the country whose mere existence seems to be at stake all courtesy to us or the adult community who vote some assh****s to power.
The teachings of Panchatantra is something which i always had in pseudo mind and keep coming to me when i saw people openly making a travesty of them.One of the stories did pass on message how unity provides strength and prosperity.Ya lots of people who never went to school might not have read that story but these stories form the bed time story of every other household,rich or poor.I can never buy the fact that the politicians who are spitting hatred towards people of other regions or demanding for separate state never heard of these stories.But if they know these stories and still perpetuate this belief ,then either my parents and my teachers played me fool all my childhood days or either we the voters are fool who voted them to power and let them preach this piece of crap.Even a dumbest of dumb person could easily tell which one's the correct.
I was shocked to hear that a politician which had a great youth following resorted to fast until death if his demands for a separate state was no met.His fans went on rampage and destroyed public property just to make sure the empty stomach of their leader is listened to.Amid all this chaos,destruction the leader realised how empty stomach gives nightmares in the day and shut up his drama.
Now my question is why do they want a separate state.To deteriorate the condition of already impoverished ones.Why cant they look how other divisions have proved utter failures.The state of Jharkhand carved out of Bihar led to wide spread corruption.Recently , one of the ex CM has been held with money laundering of amount to a tune Rs 2500 crores.When the adivasis died all over this son of a bitch went on compiling more money.This is just one of the examples.My opinion is pretty simple,unless the self consciousness of our leaders tide the other way round i.e. from self welfare to people welfare,nothing can change India,neither the rising sensex nor the bullish economy.
I agree changes are inevitable and is bound to happen.But one should always remember greater heights could be attained only when a change for the good happens and would place one at the pinnacle of success.
Monday, November 30, 2009
the defunct me..!!..really ??
Its been almost 5 months since i wrote my last blog.I did not realize it until of friend of mine did confront me with this fact.My hard disk have been cluttered with numerous documents where i did start writing but ended in noman's land and left it thereafter.Worse,i never tried to complete them too.
So, what i have upto.When asked by anyone,i prefer going with the prototype answer,"nothin,u shud tell me..!!" rather than really thinking what i have been really upto.Apart from getting a sumptuous meal and an adequate sleep, i have been doing nothing.Cribbing along with my friends at any change happening around,talkin about it for a couple of days and then cribbing about any other change.
In the last 4-5 months, my supervisor post have been a matter of a very high stake.Never knew what really was at stake.People resorted to cheap tricks and politics in order to acquire the post,as if having the post meant conquering a part of world..I have been a mute spectator at the other end, never deciphering the politics which have been growing along with stay in the company.Considering the fact that, there's a enormous competition for the top slot some apt guy would assume the honors,i felt outraged when i discovered that it was the 3rd loser in a row to become by lead.Damn, i hate my fate which always gets me to encounter people like him.
So apart from a monotonous 9-5 job,the only place i find solace are cinema halls.Off late i have seeing every movie which makes it way to theater.My desperateness can be very well understood when i voluntarily opted the movie 'Kurbaan'.Damn, it meant i 'kurbaan' by next 3 hours and some bucks to noone.The movie was a cheap(i would prefer a word vulgar) attempt to cash in the sentiments which some hindu fanatics hold.India is a hub of staunch religious,regional pigs who have been creating a mess around.Perhaps, the movie was meant for them.The typical "a hindu lady becomes the matter of atrocity from muslims ,who ll want to blow off the entire world".Basically this is the storyline which had number of loose threads and flaws.The movie had genuine similarity with "NewYork" movie though the later one was more decent and showed a psychology of human being rather than a religion.Disgusted with the movie, i ended up promising myself not to watch karan johar's films anymore.Contrary to what Rediff movies said"Kurbaan is bloody smart",i would prefer saying "Damn,its bloody smirk" creating more hatred, problems in this already proble prone and plagued country.
There are 2 things which am eying to do in the coming days,i)loose weight(i can feel now the kgs and calories which i have taken in) and ii)Start with or rather continue my reading and writing spree.More than anything else,it keeps me occupied,engaged and evades any negative thoughts to creep in.Thats all for today..Am back blog-spot..!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The movie comes in after a period of 3-4 months during which the audience hav obviosuly been deprived of some whole some entertainment. The recession which had a contraptual effect on very living being in this world somehow failed to impact the Bollywood.It was during this time that the industry rolled out its biggest grosser 'Ghajini' which cemented the utmost perfectionist adverb prefixed to its director. Seriously the movie was good but there were many movies of this genre which could have done better but due to lewd marketing and districbution practises, many of them bombed or performed below par.
The next few months will be a 'Diwali' of movies..Diwali because the its the time of the year where every Tom,Dick or Harry wants to cash in the festivity and earn the maxima...Though a big budget movie like 'Sawariya' fell flat though being relesed on this day..The only audiences it got where the ones who could not not make to the SRK starrer OSO or could not afford to shell out the outrageously priced tickets of the multiplexes.The 1st day shows in multiplexes biggies lik PVR,Inox hav rates as high as 800-1000 bucks..Things might go worse if u decide to get the ticekt from a agent..Be ready to be ridden off some gross... :)
Well am not a very outgoin person and my visits to multiplexes hav been quite limited and had materialised for d 1st time when in the rush of seeing a elite multiplex and breaking the jinx, i went for a disastrous movie way back in the yr 2004.I was'nt earning then and the money came at my dad's expense..The ticket was worth a whopping Rs 120 but did not deserve anythin more than Rs 20( that too if ur frend forcibly pays for the ticket)..The screen was occupied by nothing more than 20-25 people ,most of them were couples who found this dark solitary place as a happening place to make love rather than showing their affection in public..Obviously when u have political parties like MNS and Shiv sena these love fledglings always scare to show their adult hood and their affection in public noadays.. :)
However the place where i live in has some tabs in place when the prices of tickets are concerned..None of the multiplexes can charge anything beyond the fixed price of Rs.100 and it should include all taxes.
So ppl living in Hyderabad are in certain words relieved of shelling out some gross money if they foray into seeing the movie 1st day itself...that means you can manage girlfriends at affordable rates here without bothering ur wallet much...lol..
Anyways am going in for the movie tomorrow. The music is not much of a humming one and i guess the songs will move me more after am done with d movie..There’s a lot of expectation with d movie considering d fact its coming from an elite production house and is directed by revered Kabir Khan of the ‘Kabul Express’ fame.He has touched a sensitive issue in that movie with utmost care and there were really fine performances by all the actors there..
Hope the night show does’nt leave me with a guilt feeling of wasting some 40-50 bucks.....:)
Friday, June 19, 2009
The last time i involved myself in writing the blog i was pissed off with many things happening around me.However considering the fact that the rate at which am pissed off by ppl is generally very high but the last incident did test my nerves.Made great promises to myself,among them were the utter determination to crack the revered GMAT exams to pursue my MBA in a decent US university..No doubts i only colleges i thought about were SLOAN or HARVARD.... J
The week started with me making several flip through pages of the infamous ‘Word power made easy’ quite no. Of times..However my spurt with the language made me a bit apprensive about me being seriously into GMAT.Considering the fact that AID for a college in US was merely impossible he unless one has a unbelievably high score in GMAT and has a minimum of 3 yrs of experience at his wokplace with a perfect score in whatever indulged in a great recos from industrially known people...Now if my background if compared with this pre-requisites fell wide apart..So still am a bit skeptical about going in for the bang at the GMAT..As someone said unless one tried everything seemed unachievable.
Got a laptop some 30 hrs back..Rushed from office to take the delivery of the laptop from the courier guy...Finally my 1st look at the machine was not something which would awe-struck me...Some basic requirements were missing ,as in the LED for the caps lock and the num lock were missing and one really will hav to guess things or type in the note pad to ascertain the fact whether the caps lock is on or not...There were some aspects in which the laptop lacked ,but considering the fact that the lappie offered a great configuration at a resonable price.The RAM is as high as 4GB and certainly i can fell while am using Vista and running 4-5 other applications too...As of now the machine has not under went any jitters or stress as any other machine with a realatively low configuration would go through.Thought of writing in a review of the Inspiron 1545 which am owning right now.Though i later realized that i was quite unmature when writing a review about this model is concerned.Certaily my blog in the next 4-5 months will contain the review of the Insipron laptop.
Still what i have realized from this laptop is that it comes at great deal.I did a lot of online research before foraying in buyinh this machine.Certaily others with the same config came at a hefty price and did not hav any transparency when prices are concerned.And certainly Dell impressed me when the price and the transparency in prices where concerned.U customize ur own configuration and pay for the same.
Thats it for today.certainy my presence at my blog would be quite pertinent from now on,not as perinnial as the river ganges though J....the weekend would certainly get me involved me in more of research in the laptop is concerned...looking forward for fun filling,learning and an entertaining weekend(if i go ahead in my efforts at download and get the new dual port modem from Airtel...hope it materialises).
Friday, May 29, 2009
Today i.e 29th May '09 suddenly sprouted various feeling within me...among them where my job sucks,my colleagues are helpful nullified by the fact that my senior is an asshole,my friends &family rock and are supportive nullified by the fact that most of them live far far away from me...so the only solace,my sony ericssion K510i....:)
The day started on a worse note when i checked my salary for the month...Damn it..it was almost 5k less than expected...shocked ,bewildered ,i made a series of calls to really know who and whats the culprit...the so called 'transparency' of my company surrendered to itself when we were unable to find the real reason for salary cuts...people only speculated that it might be either variable pay cuts and HIS(healtlh insurance) premium cut....finally i gave up and tried to glue myself to the immortal computer screen(m sure that after knocking my PC with fists for number of time,it must be cursing me as of now)..had some issue to close in before we go on for the every friday's scheduled status update..though it never materialised(courtesy d ass****)...things were goin on a light note unil the AH called me up to ask or rather order me to come on weekdays...like a meek guy I behaved like a mute spectator listening and seeing myself crushed yet another time.I don't understand why d hell my reaction time is more than what child takes to bawl and cry if not given food...after listening to some so called issue(i guess my coding standards were below par as told by the AH and i need to improve badly...damn..fuck the AH)...I took almost 100 seconds to reconcile myself and another 200 seconds to build up my anger....My hands went cold and i took the step which i should have taken long back...i made a call to my onsite lead and professionally speaking,escalated the issue...m very sure no action would be taken against the AH but am very sure not to bent this time and bear his brunt.....his most strictest action may lead me to be kicked out of my account...but he fails to understand or deny the fact that am a bachelor and free of all boundary of relations...i don't mind leaving my company and all but my sternest of action may even lead to srewing the AH's happiness and i really mean this time...
Hmm...however the day ends on a brighter note after i got a call from a college friend....this was d very 2nd time i broke the record for longest talks on cellphone and i guess after the end of conversation even my cellfone got pissed of me and started disconnecting calls...:)...hmmm...wat did i speak...it was more about the complexities of each others life and how ppl in live can be so insensitive and so utter disrespect towards somebosy else's feelings......its almost 2 in night and i hav an office tommoro...but 2day's incident was an eye opener,reminding me of my erst while resolution of going for management and how casual i have been towards it offlate....
More than anything else i guess my blog will remind me of my resolution and keep pestering me towards it...and ya i write for myself...my very own sake...am real selfish when atleast this is concerned...:)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The last blog i wrote was on feb d 14th dis yr..well..!! it was more of stupidity embedded with the last nite's beer can which made me overcome the daunting task but considering the length it seemed even in my sub-conscious state i was just trying to pull along..
Lets rewind a bit..I passed my college almost a yr back...to b precise on 22nd may was back to my home..bak amid preparations of my elder sister's marriage..a marriage means lots of well conceived planning and is more of a frenzied extravaganza which leaves me puzzled several occasions..However it was decent was 2 months passed by..no i didnot make any efforts for the marriage..it was best executed by my elder cousin bros,uncles nd etc etc...the event was a big ga-ga and taught me a hell lot of things...being patient is the 1st one...nd others i thing would be boring discussing over here..
The marriage ended wid my visit to college..i had to ferry along with me a guy to get him admitted to NIT Trichy..Convocation was another big event..Met almost evry one i wanted to meet...and the rest I just ignored off...This was followed by wat i term as my life's recession,though i mean in a much more positive sense..My younger sister who by stroke of her luck(as she claims) or by her brilliance(as i claim) studied in the same batch as I did got her call from TCS by end july..Off she was for her training program.The next 4 months that followed engaged me all sorts of frenzied activities..started seeing every soap on TV..right from Big Boss to Splitsvila and god knows wat all..added several kilos and few inches to my waist line..The person who clocked 32inches waist clocked record-breaking 36 inches of waist by the time my call from TCS came in mid octobr..Thereafter time or rather the days have been mostly fats-forwarded..Days passed like minutes..Within a span of 3 2 months I was done with 2 trainings and spent almost 5-7 days wid fever and 2-3 weeks on medicine...The end of the journey had led me to TCS Hyderabad where by am working on OCC project for Belgacom client which is based in Belgium.Am earning a decent package (if u talk relative to infy or wipro) but a very modest package if u talk relative to oracle ,cisco etc.
Last to last week made a trip to mumbai.The primary aim was to meet my sister.Stayed at friends place...Though met them after a long time but still time froze wen i went across them after such a long time..It was a wonderful trip and i really felt for dese guys who made 1-2 hrs trip from their home to various part of Mumbai for their work and then bak home...the trip was really wonderful it various senses..
That's it for the day...M not used to scribbling so many lines at a time for a long time..it'll take time before i get bak to my normal bloggig ways... :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
wat else do i want...!!
diring d past 1 week d level of uncontent and discomfort has been rising at an unprecedented pace giving me jitters now n den...perhaps my hectic life gives me razor blade edge chance to really think about my aspiratins and ambitions...dis weekend i was forced to think so...guess d real me has been missing as always...no inner calls dis time..probably dis is d hangover of d last nite's full stomach beer can wich's makin me think in such a fashion..contrary to wat i believe,m still not sure wat i want in life nd wat i am really doing...
As always m still d same guy,always in dilemma and very thoughtful, a simple event nd m down to ashes...perhaps its d time to resurrect myself n get me my lost glory....