.....7 hours later, I changed my stand, and was in a call with her again.
The call that night was more of clarifications and justifications. While I threw tantrums at her wary attitude of showing up with “we are just friends” male friend, she expressed complete innocence and asked me the reason for my not-so friendly behavior.Though I wasn’t explicit with the reason for my insane behavior, I wanted her to figure it out.God forbid..!! but it was not a Da Vinci’s cryptogram that she could’nt have figured it out.I was terribly upset with her and wanted to convey the same.I cut short her, asked her to forgive me and never call me back again.I followed this by abruptly cutting the call.Am not sure if she heard my hastily pronounced words, but she did get the message.Nature once again proved that two opposite sexes cant be just friends for long.I felt like trashing my phone, but hesitated doing so after realizing how severely it would affect my financial woes.I went to the terrace where the entire class except me re-joiced around a bon-fire, couples cuddled,chicks danced while the rest boozed.I got a drink for my self, went along the railing of the 7 th floor, looked down on the busy street,gushed down the large peg of scotch and cursed myself again for making people come down to Hyderabad for the industrial visit.
6 months after the Hyderabad incident, which had made me more serious in life, I got recruited by one of the finest IT exporter of the country.It offered me a decent package.The turn of events made me call her again.Perhaps this was a great news and she was the 1 st person after my family whom I wanted to speak at that very instance.In the past many months, she had made numerous attempts to reach me via email,SMS, calls and messenger.I remained unavailable for her most of the time.With time, my grudge at her had almost negated and I realized that I should have at least given a chance for her to talk.The placements had oozed in a fresh fervor of confidence in me. Without a slightest of doubt I called her up.It took more than a few rings for her to take the call.I guess she never anticipated me calling her.Before she could speak up a word, I broke the news and said sorry for my attitude in the last few months at the same time.Though it did not make sense, but we reconciled in the next few minutes.
The Hyderabad incident did leave some scars on our healthy relationship which ceased to be so thereafter.The frequency of calls dropped to once in a couple of months and more than being flirtious and romantic, we started being cautious and pretentious of the usage of our words and the context of our conversation.You know its time to move on when you have an awkward silence over the phone, look for topics to actually talk, say words like hmm, yeah its fine…you tell me.These are the initial signs of the people not actually interested in continuing the conversation but have to, for the very sake of not hurting the person at the end.Its amusing because people on both sides feel just the same, but fear being frank enough about it.With a mutual understanding, the calls dropped..so did the internet chats and the only time we spoke to each other in the final year was at each other’s birthday.I wasn’t sure if I would follow the trend next year too.
Finally I made my way out of the college, earned a graduate degree and had a job at hand.It was the 1st Sunday of August when after a wait for more than 2 months, I finally got the call for joining.It was a welcome respite from my neighbors’ who I guess found me an unwanted element and often inquired about my joining.Some of them went a step ahead and asked me my package and often replied to that by giving reference to some of their distant kin’s son, a product of an IIT, who’s package was a staggering 4-5 times of what I had. Relief indeed..!!..though we haven’t spoken to each other ever since I left college, I was anticipating a call from her the whole day, never knowing the fact that she did the same.I went off to sleep early with mixed emotions and some unfulfilled desires.My joining call did elate me but could not convince me enough to take the initiative and call her up that day.I laid wide awake and kept the cell phone close to me, still clung onto my expectations.It was not more than a minute when I dozed off, that my cellphone vibrated with a message.It was couple of minutes before the clock struck 12.I always believed life to be a vicious cycle.It was like I slipped back a couple of years back.It ws her who had sent me the SMS.The message wished me a happy friendship’s day and ended with ‘expected you to call me atleast on this day..”..it followed with a couple of sad smileys.I had an instant feeling of remorse and guilt.I didn’t know what to do and wasn’t sure if I should actually call her up at this time in the night.I found it safest to SMS her back.I went blank when I opened pressed the reply option to the message.I kept my phone aside, slid under the blanket ,closed my eyes and tried to sleep with a guilty heart and remorseful consciousness.Few minutes later a tear rolled from my left eye and I sobbed for some time before I finally fell asleep.
I was thinking about her again while driving my bike on my way to the city booking center for my tickets.I didn’t notice that I was full on accelerator and the speedo-meter had crossed 70kmph.Just when I breached the speed of 80kmph on my splendor, I saw a dog crossing the road unwarranted of the speeding bike.My heart skipped a beat, and I tried to push both the rear and fore brakes at the same time.While my right leg failed to react in the short span of time, my right hand did what it should have, applied the front brake with full intensity.Physics and newton’s law of motion never seemed as dreadful as it was now.At a speed of 70kmph, the sudden brake on the front brakes proved nasty and it toppled the bike all over.The last thing I felt was being punished for what I did the last night as I lost consciousness on feeling extreme pain and seeing blood all around me.I opened my eyes 3 hours later to find bruises all over my body. The doctor informed me that I was lucky enough not to suffer from any head trauma or break any of the bones. I had stitches on 3 areas all over my body and I felt pain even on moving my head.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Proposal -- part 2
Here comes the well awaited second part of the series, the 3rd part is on its way..!!
.........Screw you..!! I shouted as hard I could and joined him to see other video songs.
After several months of calls,msgs, google talk and skype, it was in December that we finally decided to meet.We both had agreed to make a mutual effort for it and travel some distance.She was pursuing her Medicals in Bangalore and I was doing my Engg in Tamil Nadu.So, Hyderabad seemed to be a closest option.I chose the place as my class had decided to pay the city a visit on the context of a Industrial Tour.I being one of many co-ordinators strongly insisted on making Hyderabad the place to visit among other places.I neatly laid out a plan, bought in my best buddies and close friends in the class and collectively voted for Hyderabad.None of them knew about my intentions until we had reached the city.She chalked some similar plans which I never got to know.We planned to meet up on the 2 nd day of my trip, as the 1 st day was scheduled completely for the visits to industries and institutes.The night before the date, I gave a thought about it.It was a big day for me,as I was going on my 1 st date ever since I attained puberty. After making and trashing several plans to make the date special for her, I finally decided to cave in and propose her.I realized how my feelings for her has multiplied ever since she made the call on the friendship’s day.She had been constantly bothering me in my dreams and thoughts and perhaps the only way to get rid of my anxieties and worries related to the future of our relationship, was to go ahead and propose her.I went off to sleep after making the decision, unaware and not anticipating about the upcoming barriers.I woke up 3 hours later with an upset stomach.Certainly..!! not the greatest of starts on the day I decided to change the course of my life and propose a girl.I had never ever proposed or thought of proposing a girl before even in my wildest dreams.Leave me, I guess my entire bunch of friends, noone in my family or the entire clan had taken such a step.I realized how this step of mine would get me a heroic figure in front of my friends. I decided not to think about how my family would react at it.I knew it would be nothing less than catastrophic, so decided to give the thought a miss.
I decided to call upon my other school friends to get any idea they may have about how to propose a girl.The guy whom I called put my call on speaker mode and what I heard was a herd of guys giving me ideas and tips about it. Most of the tips seemed to have been directly taken out from romantic Bollywood and Hollywood classics and I was sure beyond doubt that none of them have had any experience at it.The romantic movie showed taking your date to a 5 star hotel,buying a wine and proposing with the ring in it.Leave the ring,dinner or wine I couldn’t afford to enter a 5 star hotel then.It was then an idea struck me.I explaimed Eureka..!! and took an auto.I instructed the auro-wallah to halt wherever he finds a good flower shop.That seemed to be the most viable,feasible and economical option, a red rose.The auto-wallah asked me if I was going on for a date.Taken aback by the question, I gave a smirk and asked to mind his own business.After such a rude response.i wasn’t sure if would halt at any flower shop.However, the guy seemed to ingnore my smirk and did stop at the flower shop.Confused on seeing a variety of red roses, i closed my eyes and chose one of them, and hurred bakc to the auto.I waved my hand at her as I paid my auto-fare.In accordance to my rude behaviour, the auto wallah charged me 20 bucks more than what the meter showed, stating this is what the rule of land was.Had it been any other day I would have probably given a fight , but I had no intentions of screwing my mood.I stepped in the café and reached the table where she sat.Gosh..!! what was seriously wrong with me in school, as I never noticed her seriously. I said a peppy hi, and without any delay flashed the rose at her.Am sure I took off her off her feet, but the surprised and shocked reaction at her face was more than what I had expected. I consoled myself and reminded me of my firm determination for the day.
After spending hundreds of hours over phone in the last few months, the face to face conversation was more than awkward.We talked random and casual stuff, the talk completely lacked the passion and she did not have the flirtiest tone which she possessed over phone.’Hey .!! dude” I heard a male voice and saw a guy coming over to our table with cappuccinos’ and some other CCD stuff. I was about to say ‘Am sorry..!!,,do I know you” before she cut me short and made a formal introduction to him.He was her class-mate and a resident of Hyderabad . According to her version, she bumped onto him on her way to the café. I really wanted to trust her, but the jealous, possessive boyfriend within me found the version absurd enough to believe.I sat for the next hour wearing a fake smile and had nothing less to say apart from my limited vocabulary i used when i met a girk for the 1st time.I didn’t knew about my status then and somehow found the two of them too friendly to be mere classmates.She went on to say that I hadn’t changed as i still did not speak much.I wanted to reply her saying “what do you expect me to say when I come for my date and found myself stuck up on someone else’s..!! “My desire to propose her drowned themselves in the floods of sorrow deep within my heart.Much to my respite my friend called me up as they were heading for a movie and was just checking if I could make it. I stood up made a very lame excuse and left leaving my share of bill on the table, all intended to let her know of my pissed off mood.Quite obviously I thought that Shahrukh’s flick would anyday be a better choice than crucifying my heart further.Heart-broken,devastated and embarrassed, I left the café and vowed not to meet,talk or call her again.7 hours later, I changed my stand, and was in a call with her again.
.........Screw you..!! I shouted as hard I could and joined him to see other video songs.
After several months of calls,msgs, google talk and skype, it was in December that we finally decided to meet.We both had agreed to make a mutual effort for it and travel some distance.She was pursuing her Medicals in Bangalore and I was doing my Engg in Tamil Nadu.So, Hyderabad seemed to be a closest option.I chose the place as my class had decided to pay the city a visit on the context of a Industrial Tour.I being one of many co-ordinators strongly insisted on making Hyderabad the place to visit among other places.I neatly laid out a plan, bought in my best buddies and close friends in the class and collectively voted for Hyderabad.None of them knew about my intentions until we had reached the city.She chalked some similar plans which I never got to know.We planned to meet up on the 2 nd day of my trip, as the 1 st day was scheduled completely for the visits to industries and institutes.The night before the date, I gave a thought about it.It was a big day for me,as I was going on my 1 st date ever since I attained puberty. After making and trashing several plans to make the date special for her, I finally decided to cave in and propose her.I realized how my feelings for her has multiplied ever since she made the call on the friendship’s day.She had been constantly bothering me in my dreams and thoughts and perhaps the only way to get rid of my anxieties and worries related to the future of our relationship, was to go ahead and propose her.I went off to sleep after making the decision, unaware and not anticipating about the upcoming barriers.I woke up 3 hours later with an upset stomach.Certainly..!! not the greatest of starts on the day I decided to change the course of my life and propose a girl.I had never ever proposed or thought of proposing a girl before even in my wildest dreams.Leave me, I guess my entire bunch of friends, noone in my family or the entire clan had taken such a step.I realized how this step of mine would get me a heroic figure in front of my friends. I decided not to think about how my family would react at it.I knew it would be nothing less than catastrophic, so decided to give the thought a miss.
I decided to call upon my other school friends to get any idea they may have about how to propose a girl.The guy whom I called put my call on speaker mode and what I heard was a herd of guys giving me ideas and tips about it. Most of the tips seemed to have been directly taken out from romantic Bollywood and Hollywood classics and I was sure beyond doubt that none of them have had any experience at it.The romantic movie showed taking your date to a 5 star hotel,buying a wine and proposing with the ring in it.Leave the ring,dinner or wine I couldn’t afford to enter a 5 star hotel then.It was then an idea struck me.I explaimed Eureka..!! and took an auto.I instructed the auro-wallah to halt wherever he finds a good flower shop.That seemed to be the most viable,feasible and economical option, a red rose.The auto-wallah asked me if I was going on for a date.Taken aback by the question, I gave a smirk and asked to mind his own business.After such a rude response.i wasn’t sure if would halt at any flower shop.However, the guy seemed to ingnore my smirk and did stop at the flower shop.Confused on seeing a variety of red roses, i closed my eyes and chose one of them, and hurred bakc to the auto.I waved my hand at her as I paid my auto-fare.In accordance to my rude behaviour, the auto wallah charged me 20 bucks more than what the meter showed, stating this is what the rule of land was.Had it been any other day I would have probably given a fight , but I had no intentions of screwing my mood.I stepped in the café and reached the table where she sat.Gosh..!! what was seriously wrong with me in school, as I never noticed her seriously. I said a peppy hi, and without any delay flashed the rose at her.Am sure I took off her off her feet, but the surprised and shocked reaction at her face was more than what I had expected. I consoled myself and reminded me of my firm determination for the day.
After spending hundreds of hours over phone in the last few months, the face to face conversation was more than awkward.We talked random and casual stuff, the talk completely lacked the passion and she did not have the flirtiest tone which she possessed over phone.’Hey .!! dude” I heard a male voice and saw a guy coming over to our table with cappuccinos’ and some other CCD stuff. I was about to say ‘Am sorry..!!,,do I know you” before she cut me short and made a formal introduction to him.He was her class-mate and a resident of Hyderabad . According to her version, she bumped onto him on her way to the café. I really wanted to trust her, but the jealous, possessive boyfriend within me found the version absurd enough to believe.I sat for the next hour wearing a fake smile and had nothing less to say apart from my limited vocabulary i used when i met a girk for the 1st time.I didn’t knew about my status then and somehow found the two of them too friendly to be mere classmates.She went on to say that I hadn’t changed as i still did not speak much.I wanted to reply her saying “what do you expect me to say when I come for my date and found myself stuck up on someone else’s..!! “My desire to propose her drowned themselves in the floods of sorrow deep within my heart.Much to my respite my friend called me up as they were heading for a movie and was just checking if I could make it. I stood up made a very lame excuse and left leaving my share of bill on the table, all intended to let her know of my pissed off mood.Quite obviously I thought that Shahrukh’s flick would anyday be a better choice than crucifying my heart further.Heart-broken,devastated and embarrassed, I left the café and vowed not to meet,talk or call her again.7 hours later, I changed my stand, and was in a call with her again.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Proposal -- part 1
Finally came with an idea and a story after a lull of more than 3 months.My past experiences with writing has taught that while a serious blogger does care about general observations and write-ups, a more-so common reader doesnt give a damn unless it a story cramped with love, romance and some humor.So here it is..would be publishing it in 3 parts or more as am yet to conclude the story.And yet again, it a complete work of fiction, which maynot or may have been inspired in bits from my personal past experiences with life.
The proposal -- part 1
The friendly pat on my back declared her arrival finally.She had been religiously following the gesture of patting me on my back every time she met me right from our school days.Never realized how the tom-boyish friend of mine had transformed in a lovely lady today.She was more than an hour late but barely had the guilt feel on her face.Her flawless smile, the glossy lipstick and the green eyes(I was sure she wore the lenses) made me forget my anger in less than a minute.Gosh..!! how could and how would I vent my anger at her..!!, is what I thought the next moment.I had texted her more than 15 times in the last 1 hr while waiting at the Sahara Mall in Delhi.It was my 3rd visit to the state capital and it was 7 yrs after the last time.My education and work kept me busy deep south and had it been not her would not have visited Delhi in the chilly December.But this time I was on a purpose.The motive was to finally propose her and express my deep seated desire of finally getting in with her.I knew the long distance relation-ship never works, but right now keeping everything aside, I was up for some love and commitments.
It wasn’t my maiden attempt at it.I had made 2 attempts early on in past which had failed miserably.The first time I realized how my feelings for her was when I was down with a quarter of whisky.Sitting among the herd of buddies in 2 nd year at college, it was the 1 st time I consumed alcohol.I was feeling like nausea but had no intentions of throwing up.Alcohol has a weird power of making u feel all alone even when you are sitting in a crowd.And it was she who made the 1 st entry to my lonely sub-consciousness.It was kind of weird as I had lost touch her ever since I passed my 12th Board exams and my career aspirations made me move south.The entire past ,our childhood, the school flashed before my eyes like a 70mm Eastman color movie.
My feelings for her re-surfaced on a quiet afternoon in August, after a hearing a friendly voice on the other side of phone.Yes..!! it was her.She got my number from a common friend and had called me on the 2 nd Sunday of August to wish me a Happy Friendship’s day.I said Happy what…!!.For we guys and in the year 2005, the day had no meaning at all.Yes it was meaningful for those who had in a short span of time befriended hottest assets(read girls) of the college.Its strange how a girl is considered as an asset early on by any random guy, but after a date or two when the hapless guy had to shell out the coffee,shopping and other extravagant bills, the same assets are branded as severe liabilities. She took me off my feet by calling me.I cursed myself for the 1 st few seconds of the talk for not having taken such an initiative.She went to narrate a number of stories and my part of conversation mostly included few ohs,oks and yeah..cool. She showed a mild anger at me for not being in touch for so long and asked me for an explanation.Before I could make any excuse she went on with another not so interesting story of hers.She ..no, I mean we spoke for an hour before she shrieked at the top of her voice that her balance was almost over and she would call me back later.It was hurried hour long talk and a breezy good-bye not before she asked me to promise her to call her back.Unlike other girls she didn’t ask me to call her back as she was out of balance.Lying down on my bunker-bed after the call, I buried myself with these thoughts and blankly stared at the upper bunk.I wondered what this call meant and did it mean an end to my dry and wry bachelor-hood.Before I could envisage my dreams any further, my room-mate played a Himesh reshamiya song and the speakers blared at their utmost volume.Screw you..!! I shouted as hard I could and joined him to see other video songs.
The proposal -- part 1
The friendly pat on my back declared her arrival finally.She had been religiously following the gesture of patting me on my back every time she met me right from our school days.Never realized how the tom-boyish friend of mine had transformed in a lovely lady today.She was more than an hour late but barely had the guilt feel on her face.Her flawless smile, the glossy lipstick and the green eyes(I was sure she wore the lenses) made me forget my anger in less than a minute.Gosh..!! how could and how would I vent my anger at her..!!, is what I thought the next moment.I had texted her more than 15 times in the last 1 hr while waiting at the Sahara Mall in Delhi.It was my 3rd visit to the state capital and it was 7 yrs after the last time.My education and work kept me busy deep south and had it been not her would not have visited Delhi in the chilly December.But this time I was on a purpose.The motive was to finally propose her and express my deep seated desire of finally getting in with her.I knew the long distance relation-ship never works, but right now keeping everything aside, I was up for some love and commitments.
It wasn’t my maiden attempt at it.I had made 2 attempts early on in past which had failed miserably.The first time I realized how my feelings for her was when I was down with a quarter of whisky.Sitting among the herd of buddies in 2 nd year at college, it was the 1 st time I consumed alcohol.I was feeling like nausea but had no intentions of throwing up.Alcohol has a weird power of making u feel all alone even when you are sitting in a crowd.And it was she who made the 1 st entry to my lonely sub-consciousness.It was kind of weird as I had lost touch her ever since I passed my 12th Board exams and my career aspirations made me move south.The entire past ,our childhood, the school flashed before my eyes like a 70mm Eastman color movie.
My feelings for her re-surfaced on a quiet afternoon in August, after a hearing a friendly voice on the other side of phone.Yes..!! it was her.She got my number from a common friend and had called me on the 2 nd Sunday of August to wish me a Happy Friendship’s day.I said Happy what…!!.For we guys and in the year 2005, the day had no meaning at all.Yes it was meaningful for those who had in a short span of time befriended hottest assets(read girls) of the college.Its strange how a girl is considered as an asset early on by any random guy, but after a date or two when the hapless guy had to shell out the coffee,shopping and other extravagant bills, the same assets are branded as severe liabilities. She took me off my feet by calling me.I cursed myself for the 1 st few seconds of the talk for not having taken such an initiative.She went to narrate a number of stories and my part of conversation mostly included few ohs,oks and yeah..cool. She showed a mild anger at me for not being in touch for so long and asked me for an explanation.Before I could make any excuse she went on with another not so interesting story of hers.She ..no, I mean we spoke for an hour before she shrieked at the top of her voice that her balance was almost over and she would call me back later.It was hurried hour long talk and a breezy good-bye not before she asked me to promise her to call her back.Unlike other girls she didn’t ask me to call her back as she was out of balance.Lying down on my bunker-bed after the call, I buried myself with these thoughts and blankly stared at the upper bunk.I wondered what this call meant and did it mean an end to my dry and wry bachelor-hood.Before I could envisage my dreams any further, my room-mate played a Himesh reshamiya song and the speakers blared at their utmost volume.Screw you..!! I shouted as hard I could and joined him to see other video songs.
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