Man i can't believe my guts.....m on a writin spree......just 4 days n dis is my 4th blog..perhaps its d only way i feel relived of wats goin through my riotic n insane mind....:-)
Its 31st today...d world celebrates as a new yr eve n try to enjoy even sec to its fullest....i know it would sound foolish of me and a bit weird but i really fail to find a reason to celebrate dis so called festivity wid great fervour....instead i feel ppl should really analyse wat happpened wrong d last year nd try to find a genuine answer to d questions dey created fa themslves.....i strongly believe the fact dat more dan anybody else a person is himself responsible fa his nasty deeds which stings him back like a boomerang..i really feel pity fa ppl who despite of bein in knee deep in troubles think d new yr as a reason to celebrate rather dan rectifyin their own problems....India is a land where advices come free of may be fa anythin....advices come like a free 'chutney' u get wid a Rs 4 samosa in any indian restuarant...right from ur failure in exams to serious things like choosin a career ppl r ready wid loads of advices...u don follo dem and u can be very well prepared to see their utter dislike fa u...god...!!!!
M not deviating from wat i started....i spoke about free advices just because someone today adviced me how imporatant celebratin d new yr a 2 yr old kid i listened to it patiently knowin d fact dat an arguement would leav me nowhere....rather dan dat i promised myself to jot it down as my next bog...i really find dis celebration a paradox...come on in diwali and holi u hav a religious history n get hols to celebrate(my coll bein d one which doesn't find holi a reason enuf to call it a off...d results hav always been catastrophic...'ll write about it some other time...)
but a off day on 1st jan sounds stupid...another workin day wasted fa some nonsense get togethers,discos n other page3 craps....often these gettogethers become the reason for many conflicts in our society...d reason bein dat more dan anythin else ppl find gossipin about others more imp dan even givin a damn about d last yr or plannin anythin purposeful fa the comin yr...
i know this blog of mine will bring a hell lot of negative comments from ppl(if at all any1 reads it)...d reason dey would say dat m bein very pessimist n bit too logical....but guys don't u think dat the time has come to be a bit too logical n obvious rather dan leadin a life like others n inchin towards d oblivion...i know m bein a bit too sensitive on dis issue but if one thinks seriously and with a profound interest fa a better tomorro dese things hav to be taken into consideration...
finally savin urself from drownin in d pages of history is much better dan risin like phoenix...its d phoenix which knows how difficult is to rise again from d always troubles u all along....

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Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
me a blogger...!!!!!!!
really at times i gape at myself.gaurav(dats me fa sure) a blogger sounds weird but yet is very true.rarely words come up to me wen m writin it via d keyboard but d frequency with which it sails across my mind is a bit too pacy leavin me nowhere.fa me words r like immortal creatures creatin a ruffle in ur minds until u jot it down.damn, d whole of last nite i went through dis pain of words repeatin dem selves again and again forcin me to do d 1st thing in d mornin to crap it out.its obvious dat fa ppl like me who find it hard to speak it out to ppl to blog in,as it saves me of my inner burns which d fire within can do...
speakin blatantly i need a dose which could help me wid my writin.can't write always as most of d time m extremely casual.guess even d casualty shies off me(i kno dats a bad joke...!!!!!!!)..god!! m gettin hell lot of wishes from my fren fa new 1st instance i was not sure if i should wish dem back as its gonna b another yr passe wid nothin constructive happenin....m an yr older perhaps..:-( plans as such fa d new yr except d fact dat i may get a glassful of booze(how i hate it but its d best way u keep out of all d traumas u create fa urself)...wen ppl of my age group go to bars,discos n dance wid ppl of opp. sex i guess boozin is a little liberty i should get given d fact dat i liv e in extremely remote area n more dan dat an ultra orthodox coll....and dis frustration pours out in form of words....dis explains fa me bein a blogger..
so plans fa d new yr eve...hav a couple of pegs of whisky(certainly d one 1 get fa free..!!!) and smoke a hanful of kings cig. n live life king size.....!!!!!!!!!
speakin blatantly i need a dose which could help me wid my writin.can't write always as most of d time m extremely casual.guess even d casualty shies off me(i kno dats a bad joke...!!!!!!!)..god!! m gettin hell lot of wishes from my fren fa new 1st instance i was not sure if i should wish dem back as its gonna b another yr passe wid nothin constructive happenin....m an yr older perhaps..:-( plans as such fa d new yr except d fact dat i may get a glassful of booze(how i hate it but its d best way u keep out of all d traumas u create fa urself)...wen ppl of my age group go to bars,discos n dance wid ppl of opp. sex i guess boozin is a little liberty i should get given d fact dat i liv e in extremely remote area n more dan dat an ultra orthodox coll....and dis frustration pours out in form of words....dis explains fa me bein a blogger..
so plans fa d new yr eve...hav a couple of pegs of whisky(certainly d one 1 get fa free..!!!) and smoke a hanful of kings cig. n live life king size.....!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
aamir's invincible and formadable.....
3 days back i happened to get a pirated copy taare zameen par(courtesy d latest technology..certainly d internet...)...i really wanted to see d movie in a theatre given d promotion n hype dat was created around it.added to it all aamir being a perfectionist actor made me a bit biased towards him.but none of d theatres here showed any sheer interest in dis latest venture of aamir( i really pity tamil nadu ppl...dey missed sumthin..).since d release of the movie my stomach has been churnin to watch dis flick(it's not actually) and d reviews forced me to watch d pirated version....sorry tzp team..!!!
anyways 2 n a half journer through tzp forced me hard to really the end of d movie i could'nt stop myself from gettin my eyes wet wen the child actor(ishaan) hugs aamir on winning an award.apart from anythin else d morale was tremendous from the movie.the songs were awesome and really created a buzz right through ur mind.aamir thogh bein d director and producer of the movie went to d backfoot and led d child take d center stage right through.hats off to d team of tzp.
finally i was really wondering whether shahrukh was d king of bollywood.doin masala flick lik om shanti om may be doin a wasy task.ropin in 26 stars (all famous ones) and makin d movie hit is easy but askin a 8 yr guy to take d center stage and makin a sense out of a movie is somethin was a movie after a long time which can be viewed by any age group person.
it was really happening to watch dis moveie.a movie par excellence.......!!!!!!!111
anyways 2 n a half journer through tzp forced me hard to really the end of d movie i could'nt stop myself from gettin my eyes wet wen the child actor(ishaan) hugs aamir on winning an award.apart from anythin else d morale was tremendous from the movie.the songs were awesome and really created a buzz right through ur mind.aamir thogh bein d director and producer of the movie went to d backfoot and led d child take d center stage right through.hats off to d team of tzp.
finally i was really wondering whether shahrukh was d king of bollywood.doin masala flick lik om shanti om may be doin a wasy task.ropin in 26 stars (all famous ones) and makin d movie hit is easy but askin a 8 yr guy to take d center stage and makin a sense out of a movie is somethin was a movie after a long time which can be viewed by any age group person.
it was really happening to watch dis moveie.a movie par excellence.......!!!!!!!111
life's a vicious circle.........
i mean wat i talk.......certainly life's a vicious circle lettin u go through numerous of higha and lows like a roller coster.......i have been someone who has experienced dis stuff n talkdis out of my pseudo intellect...
the lines from d movie serendipity' life not a series of any ordinary events but a series of events dat gives rise to an exquisite and a sublime plan.'certainly its very true.wat happens in ur life is meant to teach u a lesson and indeed der's a lots to learn from any acute or simple happening in a person's it an injury(both physical or mental) or a victory in ur activities.dere's a lesson everywhere.
the lines from d movie serendipity' life not a series of any ordinary events but a series of events dat gives rise to an exquisite and a sublime plan.'certainly its very true.wat happens in ur life is meant to teach u a lesson and indeed der's a lots to learn from any acute or simple happening in a person's it an injury(both physical or mental) or a victory in ur activities.dere's a lesson everywhere.
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