The recent memo passed by the MNS(Maharashtra Navnirmaan Sena) warning cabbies to learn the Marathi language in 40 days gave another reason to me to sigh on.The daily feed of news bites gives me several opportunities of ridiculing my country men and their weird activities.But this latest happening which has dominated the dailies since a week did made me analyse about it and i did make some effort to find what it could really mean.Rather than looking in the lines i tried to understand the psyche of the people who made these headlines.Understanding the psyche of a particular person is difficult but if its a group, there can be only few possibilities which lead to any incident they bestow upon.
With the incident, i am talking about the MNS which have been fighting(their version) or traumatising(other people's version) the denizens of Mumbai since the last 2 years.MNS launched a series of attacks on Biharis and UPites a couples of years back forcing the migrants to leave the state.There was a widespread loot,riots and attacks which were termed as freedom struggle by MNS.This was followed by MNS creating a furore over the billboards in Mumbai city to have texts in Marathi apart from English/Hindi.It also launched a series of attacks in several offices housing news channel which allegedly showed something against their leader or some obscene content.Off late the Mumbai administration joined the far reaching efforts made by MNS by issuing a notice to cabbies to be mandatory be a native of Maharashtra and should obviously know Marathi.Now here are a few things which i would like to draw my attention upon:
The wackiest thing which i read in this latest notice by the state govt., the administration never mentioned about the Driving Licence which should be the prime necessity for driving a 4 wheeler.People would laugh at me saying a DL was an obvious requirement.But hold on...In a country where getting a DL is matter of few hundered rupees, shouldn't the government check on the illicit issuing of licences and prevent rash driving and accidents rather than keeping a tab on an individuals statehood, caste and creed.
Another aspect where i had a laugh on MNS was that those morons thought the mere knowledge and oral recitation of a language would transform the outsiders into the natives.Seriously, i appreciated Raj Thakrey's and his men the sense of humor they possessed.Why not perpetuate the same thing to the terrorists or the enemies of the state.Transform their nationalities and thoughts by the "Learn Marathi in 40 days" campaign.In fact Kasab, the lone surving terrorist of the 26/11 attacks in his latest court trial spoke fluently in Marathi, could become an idol for MNS who could popularise his quick learning abilities and show how patriotic the guy was towards Mumbai. Maybe he should be felicitated by Raj himself with a General Secretory post of the party.Even am planning to learn some French and try for a French nationality :0
Reportedly the MNS made news yesterday by distributing Marathi alphabets books to the cabbies asking or rather warning them of learning the language in the next 40 days.Wow, another Nobel cause by the party.I never heard MNS making news for distributing books to the poor or the school kids.Leave books, i never heard of MNS distributing anything to the poor.Maybe a quality one needs to possess for being a true " Marathi manoos".
Before i conclude the possible reasons of MNS's enmity towards the immigrants:
a)Myth :They are really investing the state with their filthy habits,creating law and order issues.
Fact: The immigrants and the natives have been equally responsible for the menace.In fact the state government who failed to check these are more to be blamed and the main culprit is the people who sat back with remote control and TV sets in their homes craving the way to any party to power without actually finding what good they did or would they do in their next term.
b)Myth:The immigrants took aways the job of localities.
Fact: True that immigrants make the major proportion of the high profile jobs.But this liberty has been given by constitution.And looking a broader or say a better prospect, the job went to those who deserved it better.Maybe the Marathi manoos proved to be incompetent.
c)Myth:The immigrants brought down the state's economy.
Fact:Its a widespread fact that the state's economy has soared and increased manifold in the past years with major contribution from the immigrants.
d)Myth:The MNS is the only one concerned about the Marathis and are their mouth piece echoing their sentiments.
Fact:An average household is busy with its daily chores to even give a damn to these ill feelings.The wave is raised only during the elections to create a mild agony among the natives thereby using their votes.If MNS would really had be the concerned lot, it would have done something or made a statement when the Mumbai city was under siege by the terrorists for 2 days.Leave alone making a statement, i did not find any article suggesting MNS making gestures to help people affected by those attacks.
What upsets me most is the fact that how can a group 1000 odd people(MNS supporters) could raise such an alarm while the government after realising it may loose its votes opts for sitting back.Amidst of all these explicit display of violence, the party and its chief runs Scot free, issuing warning at every possible context.On this day of Jan 26th when we are celebrating the 60th yr of India's republic, these news items send me in a state of dilemma whether to be proud or be ashamed of the country's Constitution.The Constitution which is being violated openly without a budge from the Government and the citizens.Even the renowned speakers who speak about all the high funda topics(terrorism, India's bilateral relations with China or Pakistan) fail to make a correct view point on this topics.The reason, they are scared of their posh home being destroyed in the downtown Mumbai.When we vehemently condemn terrorism and anyone propagating the same, existence of people like Raj Thakrey and parties like MNS and Shiv sena leave be puzzled, more than being shameful.