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Thursday, March 29, 2007

life after a job ion ur hands.....

it's been an yr ago when i saw a movie named line of d movie which highly impressed me was..."life's not a series of unfortunate events but a tapestary of events dat culminates into an exquisite plan...".going through a high in my life den i din realised wat exactly it meant but today with a job in hands and deserted by some frens who sometime claimed to be my closest i realise wat exactly it meant...
life indeed is not a bed of roses..dis blog of mine was written long back and saved in my drafts coloumn..its only today dat i re-red dis blog and thought of comleting and postin b honest there were a few lines which i deleted was directly intended to point a particular person but i realized 2day how idiotic it was of me to post dis blog blaming a person widout lookin at my own drawbacks...perhaps i wrote dis stuff only to contain my anguish which i found difficult to share with anyone...
well... its very true dat u learn at hell lot from ur life n ur college life is wen u get groomed d most to match the endevours dat the world may pose aginst u once u r through 4 yr stay at coll has been thoroughly interestin with lessons comin up to me at every point...met all kinds and types of people...fought with many...tried to calm down many..spoke n shared my feelings with a few n pulled a few ppl's leg n got mine pulled most of d time....but dis is wat m gonna miss d most...d get togethers at 2 o'clock in night....sharin a cig wid 5 oders...fightin fa dat single puff of smoke...gettin dares from ppl..(i rarely did dem...!!!!)...d trip to ooty....oh..!! i IV trip( m sure its gonna raise a few eyebrows)...indeed i learnt a lot from dis trip....:-)
but still wid a few days to go in dis last sem...i still feel myself short of experience n keep observin and learnin from ppl....
In was a real rockin coll life fa me...a true sublime experience dat'll always leav a mesmerisin effect within me....